Modernization is a comprehensive renewal process of old elevator system in order to improve it safety, functions and designs. Elevator system has certain service lifetime similar to any other building equipment or system. Despite appropriate repair and maintenance, an elevator system can reach the end of its service lifetime. Besides that, as the technology advances over the years, older elevator parts will either become obsolete or require longer leadtime to manufacture. As a result, longer downtime will be required. The function and safety standards for elevator also keep changing from time to time so, modernization of old elevator system is necessary to meet these updated standards.
While regular maintenance can ensure older elevators to keep working for a long time, however it cannot
meet new technology advancement, design enhancement or operational improvement for the elevators.
Nevertheless, most building owners are reluctant to modernize their elevators due to misconception that
they must do full modernization with high expenses to replace everything including control panel, traction
machine and elevator cars at the same time.
But, there is an alternative way. Besides full modernization, we can offer "partial modernization" to building
owners at reasonable price. This partial modernization is more cost effective because we will re-use any
parts that are still working and only replace necessary parts that required replacement.
Core advantages:
1. We have the expertise to replace any old and obsolete parts with new parts based on latest technology to ensure
smoother rides, longer service lifetime and better energy saving.
2. We will re-use existing parts that are in reasonable working condition and only replace necessary parts that required
replacement. This cost effective way will also reduce waste and it is environmental friendly.
3. We provide four different modernization plans based on budget and requirement. Building owners can choose and decide
on the extent of their elevator modernization; what to preserve and what to modernize. (Refer to the Plan A, B, C & D as shown below.)
4. We will ensure operation downtime is kept to the minimum during modernization work. The work will also be performed
based on building owner's schedule.
5. We will provide post-modernization service and maintenance for optimum elevator performance and safety.